Data Exchange and DSP Integration
This section describes how Phunware's data exchange integrates with Demand Side Platforms (DSPs).
Audience Integration Methods
This section describes the two integration methods available for delivering audiences created in the data exchange to a DSP for activation. Phunware supports both direct API integration (preferred) and SFTP file integration.
Beeswax DSP - Direct API Integration##
Phunware's data exchange is integrated directly with Beeswax via a Beeswax API.
Beeswax User Account Credentials - data exchange customers will need to provide Phunware with the configuration details below to enable seamless integration to their Beeswax account.
fields | description |
Beeswax Username | Beeswax account username |
Beeswax Password | Beeswax account password |
Buzzkey | unique key string assigned to customer account |
AWS Access Key ID | 20 uppercase character string, found under Users in the dashboard |
AWS Secret Key | 40 base64 character string |
AWS Bucket name | name of the S3 bucket. |
AWS Folder path | base folder path |
AWS Region | the AWS region this bucket is provisioned in. |
SFTP Integration##
This section describes the SFTP host configuration and structure of audience data content in the file that Phunware will be deliver to a DSP partner.
SFTP Configuration###
The DSP partner shall provide Phunware with the following configuration details of the SFTP host for Phunware to post audiences to a DSP via SFTP.
- SFTP username
- SFTP password
- SFTP folder
- SFTP host name
- SFTP port number
SFTP File Content###
After a customer has initiated an audience export, Phunware will transport the audience data in a file per the configuration below:
Filename: ".csv" (example: 245.csv).
Note that the unique audience upload ID is created by Phunware.
Folder name on SFTP: (example: 3604)
Record content syntax: "|""-"
The channelKey is assigned by Phunware.
Example of a row: 3b0de5ee-6aa1-42c6-b62e-c70523ef8e3c|-193
Note that "ifa" is the mobile advertising ID and "|" is a pipe. The unique audience ID provides end-to-end traceability for personal data usage and audience activation metrics.
Impression Log Integration
Impression Log Schema##
This section describes the impression log schema that Phunware requires from a DSP partner to enable audience activation reporting and consumer payouts of digital assets. The text file shall be delivered as a CSV (comma separated value) file per the schema.
Many of these fields below derive directly from the IAB OpenRTB 2.3 Specification)
Field | Definition | Example Data | Required |
logId | A unique key to the impression record with a syntax of "channelKey"-"unique id" | -d7f8fe50-4e77-48d2-811b-163d4f635b96 | Yes |
audienceId | The unique identifier of the audience that was used in the targeted media. This ID is assigned by Phunware when the audience is created. | -7345 | Yes |
ifa | Mobile ID sanctioned for advertiser use in the clear (i.e., not hashed). | 000e2f19-5ec8-4bb9-ac75-d5934defc651 | Yes |
currency | Currency as ISO-4217 alpha codes (3-char) | USD | Yes |
bundleStoreId | Application bundle or package name (e.g., This is the unique ID in the Apple App Store or Google Play. | com.myyearbook.m | Yes |
domain | Domain of the app. | | Optional |
carrier | Name of the carrier or ISP. | Verizon | Optional |
model | The model of the device. | Galaxy s7 | Optional |
manufacturer | The manufacturer of the device. | Samsung | Optional |
operatingSystem | The operating system installed on the device. | Android | Required |
operatingSystemVersion | The version of the operating system running on the mobile device. | 5.4 | Optional |
ip | The IP address closest to the device. | | Optional |
deviceType | The general type of device per OpenRTB spec. | 4 | Optional |
country | Country code per ISO-3166-1-alpha-3. | USA | Optional |
city | The city name | Austin | Optional |
postalCode | The postal code / zip code | 78757 | Optional |
advertiserId | The unique ID of the advertiser. | 21 | Optional |
advertiserName | The name of the advertiser. | Live Nation | Yes |
brand | The name of the brand associated with the advertisement. | Post Malone | Yes |
dma | Designated Market Area | 611 | Optional |
latitude | The latitude location of the device. | 30.287575 | Yes |
longitude | The longitude location of the device. | -97.733911 | Yes |
lineItemId | The line item ID. | 10341 | Yes |
placementId | The unique placement ID. | 10721 | Optional |
creativeId | The unique creative ID | 29930 | Optional |
cid | The campaign ID corresponding to this media. | 10305 | Yes |
bidPrice | Bid price expressed as CPM although the actual transaction is for a unit impression only. Note that while the type indicates float, integer math is highly recommended when handling currencies (e.g., BigDecimal in Java). | 1.50 | Yes |
spend | Revenue amount expressed in CPM for the impression. | 2.50 | Optional |
trafficSource | The traffic supply source that auctioned the impression. | OpenX | Optional |
ck | The number of clicks per impression. | 1 | Optional |
cc | The number of conversion per impression. | 1 | Optional |
gdpr | Signals whether or not the bid request is subject to GDPR regulations. | 0 = No, 1 = Yes | Yes |
consent | Convey user consent when GDPR regulation are in effect. | 0 = No, 1 = Yes | Yes |
auctionId | The unique ID of the impression provided by the channel. | d7f8fe50-4e77-48d2-811b-163d4f635b96 | Yes |
deviceLangugage | The language set on the mobile device (ISO-639-1-alpha-2). | en | Optional |
mediatype | The type of media that delivered the impression (e.g. video, banner). | banner | Optional |
width | Width of the impression in pixels. | 320 | Optional |
height | Height of the impression in pixels. | 40 | Optional |
geoType | Source of the location data to indicate how the geographic information was determined. | 1 - GPS 2 - IP Address 3 - User Provided | Yes |
Impression Log File Delivery to Phunware##
This section specifies the file structure and file delivery requirements.
- The impression log shall be created as a comma separated text file (CSV).
- The impression log file shall be delivered daily to Phunware's AWS account.
- Phunware will process the log files within 48 hours.
Updated over 5 years ago