Phunware Data Release Notes - August 2019

During the month of August we focused on enhancing the Phunware ontology that underpins all of our data products and releasing a few minor enhancements to the blockchain-enabled data exchange.

Phunware Ontology


The following enhancements were made to the Phunware ontology:

  • added a diagram to visualize the data model design.
  • added a "CongressionalDistrict" entity and properties.
  • added the "isSeenInCongressionalDistrict" relation to connect MobileDevice to CongressionalDistrict. This relation enables audience targeting by U.S. Congressional Districts.
  • added a "Language" entity and properties.
  • added the "languageSetTo" relation to connect the MobileDevice entity to the Language entity. This relation enables audience targeting by the language setting on the mobile device.
  • added the "knowsLanguage" relation to connect the Person entity to the Language entity. This relation enables audience targeting by language spoken by a person (declared).

Data Exchange / Audiences


The following enhancements were made to the MaaS Audience Manager:

  • added a visual indicator to identify the POI on the map when designing an audience using the custom polygon feature.
  • improved the segment descriptions for each of the hierarchies.
  • defaulted audience CPM price to $1.50.